Hey! Thanks for checking out our website and nice to meet you! My name is Jackson and my wife and I call Portland, Oregon home. We don’t have any pets, any kids (yet), or many responsibilities, so we like to explore the PNW when we can. With both have full-time jobs, so much of our exploring is done in the evenings, but mostly weekends.

We’ve really become weekend warriors meticulously planning out our weekends. Sometimes it’s a filming weekend (see Seaside top 10 video below), or sometimes it’s just a weekend for us to escape. This last weekend it was both: a 3-night Oregon Coast trip from Cannon Beach to Brookings camping out of my Toyota Prius 🚗. That video should be done by end of September, check the Youtube channel!


I end up doing most of the content creation between Megan and I, but she is way better at the aesthetic. We will eventually spin up a dedicated PNW Instagram, but for now, it’s us and we’re fine with that. If you’d like to check out my reels on Instagram or follow me @meyerjax, that would be awesome and I’ll give you a free virtual hug. As you can see from the images below, I just love the Coast. I’m definitely bias since I grew up 5 minutes from the beach in Seaside, but that is just where my heart is: the Oregon Coast!


I’ve always been intrigued by finances. Throughout my life, many of my favorite memories have involved hustling to make a dollar. As a kid, lemonade stands, returning bottles, buying lottery tickets, holding garage sales, selling my lunch to my friends (sorry mom), thrifting on Ebay – these are all things I vividly remember. In the last 10 years it’s been street performing, dumpster diving, app development, startups, videography, and now… YOUTUBE.

I hate listing Youtube in there like it is some fleeting hobby or scheme like the other things, but it is something I fell in love with NOT because of the money. Every other thing I listed above was for the prospect of earning money. Youtube… I’m focused on Youtube is because I love making videos, I always have.

About a year ago posted my first travel legitimate travel Youtube video about Catalina Island (watch above), and since then I’ve posted 10 more. I’ve gained about 700 subscribers and just got monetized last month. The reason I am telling you this is to really time stamp where I am in the journey for the future. I appreciate people that have been transparent with me about their finances and that is what I aim to do here on this blog. I’m excited to do quarterly income reports, and as a start, I’m going to list my T-28 stats. I’ve made $149 the last month! I’m so stoked on that, it feels like my hard work is actually paying off.

How much do Travel Youtubers Make?

My Analytics report for the last 28 days – its a starting point!

– New on the Blog –